Friday, November 12, 2010

Haiku my Heart Friday: Sunlight

image from running through rain

In the still wet dawn
I grasp a strand of sunlight
Keep it safe all day

Thank you, Rebecca, for reminding me that it's Haiku My Heart Friday

And to my muse, does this prove I've still got a bit of creativity left?

(I also want to clarify that I did not take this photo. It's one of my favorite images that I've found on the net which I saved for inspiration. I found it on a website called Rain Coaster Media/Running Through Rain and am hunting for the original artist to give her/him credit.)


deb did it said...

awesome photo! Hold onto that sunlight, and allow it to become your Muse!

Leslie said...

Amazing photo, and I like the idea of grasping light for the day.

ms pie said...

in my pocket the dawn of light all day long... love that sentiment... i shall hold onto it for awhile... thank you...

Kim Mailhot said...

Beautiful shot and beautiful words. Know that that light comes from within you too !
Happy Friday !

Anonymous said...

Well it's an amazing photo! and your haiku is just perfect.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Who can catch the light,
keeping it safe through the day?
Only Medusa!

Haiku My Heart with Plenty

rebecca said...

love love love!!!
perfect in every way.

Unknown said...

I imagine you with that strand of sunlight stowed safely in your pocket - and when it's time to go out into the world, you can weave it into your hair. Better than any kind of makeup :)

Confessions of a Closet Hoarder but you can call me Judy said...

What a neat picture! I love the haiku you wrote to go along with it. :)

Noelle Clearwater said...

I used to have that photo on my wall. I adore that picture. I think that it says something significant about the culture where it was taken as well, but I love the idea of capturing light and holding it with you all day, or internalizing it by doing so. It is a nice shot and thanks for sharing it.

Ramesh Sood said...

Ah, that's truly an achievement.. beautiful..

Anonymous said...

It is indeed an intriguing photo which apparently inspired your haiku. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie

foxysue said...

I love the idea of grasping a strand of light, I suppose there are lots of strands of light enough for everyone to grasp and to take with, on our journeys.

Thank you for your words and image.

Sue x